Technologies Justice
of the Peace System, you can effectively manage your
criminal and civil cases and fee collections.
The Criminal Case Docket database contains all
the defendant, offense, plea, hearing, and disposition
information needed to track all events and involved
The print function allows for the production of formal
complaints, courtesy letters, warrants, hearing
schedules, docket sheets, disposition reports, and
receipts for fines and bonds plus any other state
mandated reports plus the viewing of any system
generated or user generated report before printing.
The Civil Case Docket database tracks multiple
plaintiffs and defendants, as well as civil processes,
events, hearings, judgments, and dispositions. The
cross-reference feature allows you to pull up
information on civil cases, small claims cases, and
forcible entry and detainee cases.
Fee Accounting and Collection enables the user to
collect and manage fees from multiple dockets as well as
non-case related fees. The System maintains a single set
of books and receipts for all fees and fines you collect
and allows for the assignment, distribution and
prorating of multiple user-defined fees. You are also
able to electronically transmit payment records to the
Attorney General as well as produce reports of all
financial data, 30-60-90-day balances and arrearages.
Jury Selection greatly simplifies the task of
pulling juries, printing jury summons, reshuffling and
splitting panels. The system tracks data for automatic
juror or victim fund payment and meets all state
Additional JP features include the following:
- record bail setting and inquest information,
- search for records by filing in a simple request based
on multiple criteria,
- find records quickly through the use of a pop-up
alphabetical list,
- print a variety of financial and monthly reports.
- track all trust accounting information and Utilize a document-imaging function that allows you to
scan and save documents for inquests, administrative
hearings, and cases.
- Omni interface.
- DPS notice of final conviction interface
Key Features:
- Attach low cost scanners to any PC in your network.
- Stand-alone or net workable; multiple clerks can access
the document, or you can network with other JP's to
- county-wide warrant information to law
enforcement officials.
- Click to "scan" any document from your case screen
images are automatically attached to that
- Retrieve a case by name, case #, status, dates, type,
officer, ticket, and offense.
- View or print any images attached to a case/event with a
click — no more trips to the file cabinet.
- Ticket tracking, FTA transmission, and Cashiering.
- Record and maintain all case updates and financial data
required to track status, payments, and balances.
- Optional cash drawer & receipt printer interface via Fee
Collections & Accounting.
- Automatic merge/generation of letters, notices,
warrants, and forms.
- Create codes to simplify input of data.
- Automatic associated cause entry eliminates entering
redundant information.
- Search for cause, knowing one piece of the case
- Print any scanned document.
- Optional internet & in office credit card payment.
- Optional document imaging.
- Optional handheld ticket devices.
Example of Reports:
- Monthly OCA
- Unlimited user-defined letters and reports
- Warrants, Capiases
- Payment, Refund & Deposit registers
- Detailed Case Ledger
- Delinquent Payment Report
- Balance due & Trial date notices
- Bill of Costs
- List of Orders
- Mailing Labels
- GASB 34
- Monthly Treasurers Report